Board Evaluation



We were asked to perform a Board Evaluation for a FTSE 30 business.  Following a period of underperformance, the Board had been through a significant transition with a number of new NEDs and a recently appointed CEO.  


Following a detailed briefing from the Chair and SID the process consisted of two elements: the completion of a customised questionnaire by all Board Members; and individual interviews between each Board Member and MWM.  These confidential discussions explored the efficiency and effectiveness of the Board and focused on key areas including the Board composition, capability and alignment; efficiency and effectiveness (both of the Board and individual committees); Board Dynamics; Strategy; Risk and Financial Controls.

The output was a report, with action points and recommendations for the Board to consider, and the results of the evaluation were subsequently discussed by the Board, facilitated by MWM.


The Board had been in transition with the new additions considerably changing both capability and Board dynamic.  The Board evaluation provided a platform for the Directors to discuss the role and impact of the Board collectively.  This opportunity for a reset, has resulted in a clear alignment between the Non-Executive and the Executive team with a culture of increased openness.   The Board is now well positioned to provide highly effective governance and strong strategic challenge in the business.