
Independent counsel at critical moments




board advice

We work in the boardroom helping businesses get the most out of their critically important asset.

Our decades spent acting for boards across the world, means we are well placed to help organisations assess performance, mitigate people-risk and map talent needs for the future.


Our board advisory and consulting services include:


Management Assessments

We help Boards CEOs and CHROs to understand the individual and collective strength of their existing leadership team. We work with clients to build on their existing management development programmes by providing an external market perspective on key individuals, succession pipelines and overall teams. Our work is characterised by its clear, actionable insights and recommendations.

Board Effectiveness, Assessment and Succession Planning

We advise clients on Board capability, effectiveness and succession. We draw on our practical experience and proprietary research to focus on helping boards maximise their impact on both strategic added value and governance.

Talent Mapping

For many important roles, it is important that potential internal successors are considered alongside external candidates. We help clients understand the external market for a given role. This enables our clients to lay foundations for development work with their best internal talent, as well as providing early insight into external market positions they will need to fill externally in future.